VI Purify

​​​​​The VI Peel Purify is specifically formulated to be a highly effective treatment for acne, while also addressing a range of issues that patients may experience that are caused by acne symptoms. It does this by increasing cellular turnover in order to open pores, eliminating P.acne bacteria and balance the skin.

VI Purify is suitable for all skin types, but is particularly effective in treating oily, congested and breakout-prone skin. It can also be used to target teenage acne. Skin may appear red, tan or yellow immediately after the peel, but reduced inflammation and smoothness will follow, with full results visible in 7 days from treatment. You will be provided with a take-home kit of essential products for your treatment success, ensuring optimal and lasting results.

*For maximum results, patients can repeat this peel every 4 weeks.

  • Increases cellular turnover to clear pores
  • Eliminates P.acne bacteria
  • Soothes redness and inflammation
  • Creates healthier skin
  • Pigmentation * Acne Scarring * Age Spots * Lightening

All chemical peels Services

Woman with radiant skin after a chemical peel.

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